1. I have to sleep bare foot with one foot sticking out of the blanket. (It keeps me cool)
2. I have dyed my hair almost every color. (Except wild ones... not my thing).
3. I want to name my first daughter after Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire. . . Audrey Astaire Fairbanks.
4. I absolutly HATE carrots, they are so gross... and I think celery is getting on that gross food list.
5. When I cook meals I am all about presentation, It has to look like a work of art.
6. When I go out for dinner I have to order dessert, I need the whole experiance.
7. I hate doing any sort of cleaning by myself. You don't need to help, just sit and talk while I clean.
8. I am THE MOST TICKLISH person in the WORLD!!!
9. I have majorly crooked pinkies.
10. I want to run a marathon.
11. If food takes too much effort to eat I wont eat it... ex: Crab.
12. I want to live in the middle of nowhere for the rest of my life.
13. I never went to high school prom.
14. I didn't even go to a public high school, I did Independent Study. Im a wierd child.
15. I have played the piano since I was 9 years old.
16. If I could live off of Cookies I would eat them everyday of my life. (If only they wouldn't make you gain weight).
17. I can recite the complete dialouge of two movies: Ever After and That Thing you Do.
18. I really think I know the lyric to every song, either that I am really good at guessing the words.
19. Belly buttons are gross.
20. I have more black shirts and khaki pants then anyone I know.
21. My favorite features of myself are my hair, eyebrows and teeth.
22. I secretly (well.. not anymore) think I danced with Fred Astaire in the pre-existence.
23. I have this obsession with the smell of new shoes. I LOVE THE SMELL.
24. I have either an AC running or a Fan going all year long. I LOVE to be cold.
25. I can't sleep without the quilt my mom gave me when I was 9 years.
26. I didn't get my license till I was 20 years old... didn't need it till then.
27. When I was little I was afraid of cats, dogs, car washes, spot lights and fireworks.
28. The sound of dogs barking behind a fence still scares me (a dog hoped over one and chased me when I was little).
29. I hate hate hate, being late to things. I really need to be EARLY.
30. I hate driving by myself... it is so boring!